
Thursday, August 6, 2020

2020 - An year with a Spiritual Vision

We welcomed year 2020 warm heartedly..we hoped this year would be a successful and ecstatic year.. but soon we realized that it was nothing like that..gradually an era of devastating experiences continued..may be to teach us some important lessons about Humanity..We all are giving too much importance to the scientific developments & materialistic seems humans treat themselves as they are God on this earth..but the almighty nature has the different way of proving that the humans are just petty things on this earth..Mother nature has shown us with several incidents that all other species are to be treated with respect and looked upon with the same dignity..This year the Amazon rain forest fires, Australian bushfires, this killer corona virus, USA vs Iran..India vs China conflicts and so on And the assassination of George Floyd by White policeman which enraged the people all across the world..And now a massive explosion in Lebanon that raised the critics against what we human beings are doing to this beautiful planet..why do we need to collect explosives, slaughter animals..why so much violence, distress and conflicts..Our Egos..? It seems that Mother nature wants to end this world or teach us some valuable lessons about Humanity...🤔

For some people the year 2020 might be an agonising year but Don't you all think that this year has provided us with the conditions of harnessing ourselves with spiritual vision and Becoming a well being full of compassion and affection..Don't you think that this year is teaching us all to return to our basic nature -*innocence* ?

*Kalyug se Satyug ki aur.. Isn't it?* 

✍️Anuja Kaushik 


  1. Totally agree with you... At the end of the day we have to accept that we are just the puppets of God not we are God.... Nature is our fellow on this planet. .We have no right to exploit it.

    1. Thanks dear.. yes we are only the puppets in the hands of nature.this year is teaching us to be innocent again..We have forgotten our basic values...

  2. Nice keep writing use different slangs n proverbs it will be beneficial too uhh

  3. Uhmmmm.... exactly true.... this year most of the people dies.... We welcomed 2020 very nicely but now this year tells us how to handle any critical situation like padaemic covid-19.....
    Your writing skills are very impressive to everyone�� are definetly a good writer and poet... your thinking ability impress everyone��..

  4. You are telling the truth ma'am, today we need to understand what is the result of the disturbance of nature,we are going to ruin nature for our great we also have to bear the consequences.

  5. Well summing up of the recent natural and man-made ill developments. For now I think we are just stuck with all these negativity around but blogs like this makes us believe that no matter what the world keeps on moving ahead. It's cheering to see a concerned mind in these dreadful times. Keep up with the positive and inspirational writing...


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