
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Follow your own Ideologies..

 What is going on in our country?🙄So much unrest and conflicts..thats too because of these news channels & newspapers..its ridiculous..Journalism is at its peak of downfall..I don't follow any party, person, any actor or actress blindly..I trust myself and my ideologies and thats what expected from well educated intelligent people..They should be able to make their own decisions 😎...Use your own mind before trusting or following anyone..Praise for what is Good & legit and Raise your voice against Evils & Hypocrites..For a peaceful society we'll have to stop giving too much attention to these news channels first...Isn't it? ✍️Anuja


  1. Absolutely right ma'am the way we are Blindly trusting on the media today,it just raises few questions on our own credibility that how can we believing on such things very naively and candidly.Does anything being shown in the media today prove anything to be true? Today all these Journalists, sophisticated intellectual persons are printing bicker ridden news only for several amounts

  2. Yess absolutely correct mom.... Brilliant True thinking and questioning..��
    From - Ashna Kaushik ��


नारी शक्ति के लिये आवाज़ #मणिपुर

 'यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यंते रमंते तत्र देवता' जहाँ नारी की पूजा होती है वहाँ देवता निवास करते हैं। यही मानते हैं ना हमारे देश में? आजक...